[Abstract]:As an important part of human resource management system, salary management is a difficult point in human resource management, and it is also the focus of modern management theory research. With the development of society and the progress of management science, salary management has been paid more and more attention by enterprises. A scientific and reasonable salary system will play an important role in the enthusiasm of staff and workers. And it will have a long-term impact on the effectiveness of human resources management and even the overall performance of enterprises. HK Company is a large state-owned open-pit coal mine, which is one of the key coal mines in the 11th five-year Plan period. It is also one of the largest open-pit coal mines with the largest design capacity in our country at present. In the process of rapid economic development, the company has continuously strengthened the salary management and achieved certain results. But since 2013, with the arrival of the cold winter in the coal market, HK's profits have fallen across the board, the company's salary level has begun to decline after a decade of growth, and many problems have broken out in compensation management at the same time. The dissatisfaction of employees in the company is also rising, at this stage the company began to re-recognize the importance of compensation management, and hope to make adjustments. Through combing the literature of related salary and salary management, this paper sums up the previous research results and theoretical viewpoints on compensation and salary management, and on this basis, analyzes the present situation of compensation management in HK Company. Summing up the existing problems, combined with the new viewpoint of salary management theory, this paper puts forward some countermeasures to solve the compensation management problems of HK Company, including accurately determining the bonus distribution coefficient, establishing a scientific performance appraisal system, perfecting the salary management organization and so on. So that the company's compensation system to better support the long-term development strategy of enterprises.
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