船山人社局高大_民国初年“船山学社”研究.pdf 免费在线阅读前50页
网友文档精品近日为您收集整理了关于民国初年“船山学社”研究的文档,,希望对您的工作和学习有所帮助。以下是文档介绍:分类号学校代码Re s e湖南师范大学学位评定委员会办公室二零一二年五月船以传播《船山科学地造了有船山学山学报响做一全绪思路与第面的内社会现况。第人刘人务活动第《船山学报》的出版发行情况、主要栏目内容、学报与船山学说的传播等三个方面。结语是对本文归纳总结,指明船山学社的特点。关键词:民国初年,船山学社,刘人熙,船山学报Absti-actAt the early republiC of China,the Chinese nation fromall orders and groups of soc i ety put s forward many methods torescue China in order to eliminate the SOCial criSiS while itwas facing domestic strife and foreign aggression.The historyi nterwoven wi th real i ty,SO the peopl e often summon the undeadhistory in order to meet the reality need.Chuan Shan StudyGroup is the first academic munity founded by LiuRenxi and other Hunan gentlemen in the early republ ic of China.Chuan Shan Study Group holds speech regularly,such as expos ingand condemning the activities of the imperialism damagingChinese nation by the collusion between the northern warlords.What’S more,Chuan Shan Study Group printed and publ i shedChuan Shan’S works and i ssued Chuan Shan Journal expanding thei nfluence of Wang Chuanshan deeply.It arouses the attent ionsof scholars at home and broad laying the sol id foundat ion offuture study on ChuanShan theory to shape a dependentdi scipl ine.We can have prehens ive understanding of the generals i tuat ion of Chuan Shan Study Group according to the researchon the cause of establishing,。activities,politicalinclination,and academic thought of it,affirming Liu Renxiand Chuan Shan Study Group’S historical contributions ofspreading Chuan Shan theory.Let US know the older generat ionshow to face real ity,respond to real ity,benefiting the spreadof Hunan culture.There are five parts in this dissertation including theintroduction,three chapters and the conclusion.In the introduction,the author explained the situationsof the research on Chuan Shan Study Group,and then showed thetrain of thought and methods.Chapter one,the author analyzes the historical backgroundof the establ i shment of Chuan Shan Study Group.Chapter two explores the establ i shment of Chuan Shan StudyGroup and their activities.Chapter third elaborates the ideological centre of ChuanShan Study Group…Chuan Shan Journal.In the conclusion,the author makes a summary of Chuan ShanStudy Group,and indicates the characteristics of Chuan ShanStudy Group.Key Words:the early republ ic of China,Chuan Shan Study Group,Liu Renxi,Chuan Shan JournalIV目录摘要………………………………………………………………….IAbstract……………………………………………………………………………………..III绪论…………………………………………………………………l第一章船山学社成立的历史背景……………………………………101.1晚清以来船山学说的传播……………………………………..101.2民国初年的社会现状…………………………………………..26第二章船山学社的成立及其活动……………………………………292.1刘人熙的生平及学术思想……………………………………一292.2刘人熙与船山学社的成立……………………………………..362.3船山学社的的主要活动………………………………………一42第三章船山学社的思想阵地…………………………………………5 13.1《船山学报》的出版发行情况…………………………………5 13.2《船山学报》的主要栏目………………………………………573.3《船山学报》与船山学说的传播………………………………62结语……………………………………………………………………………………..68参考文献………………………………………………………………..70附录………………………………………………………………..73后记………………………………………………………………一74¨4Z了:j臂一E一、‘■二呵一‘…吖~一、 TJu}…:”.·i’民国初年“船山学社”
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