本文选题:科技图书 + 编辑规范 ; 参考:《北京印刷学院》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】:针对当下出版业普遍存在的编辑行为失范现象与出版物质量问题,编辑规范作为保障正常编辑活动秩序和提高编辑成果传播效果的重要手段,应该被大力强调。在目前编辑规范研究不足的情况下,出版学术界应该重新重视编辑规范的研究工作,以期取得更多更大成果,能够有效地指导实践。 本文便是以近年来科技图书领域的编辑规范问题为研究对象,运用编辑学、出版学相关知识与理论,通过对科技图书和编辑规范相关基本概念的梳理和界定,先从科技图书出版物层面上,归纳其规范化的基本要求,再从科技图书出版者的层面,结合典型个案分析其实现科技编辑规范的途径,随后对政府相关管理部门推动科技编辑规范化进行措施思考。最后简要地探讨新的出版环境下科技编辑规范的发展与创新。 通过本文的研究,希望能够深化该领域的理论研究,明确科技图书规范化要求,为科技出版单位实施编辑规范化和相关管理部门推动科技编辑规范化提供理论依据和参考。 但本文的最大意义还是在于抛砖引玉,唤起出版学术界对于编辑规范问题的高度重视。
[Abstract]:In the light of the phenomenon of abnormal editing behavior and the problem of publication quality in the current publishing industry, editorial norms, as an important means to ensure the order of normal editing activities and to improve the dissemination effect of editorial achievements, should be emphasized. With the lack of research on editorial norms at present, the academic circles of publishing should pay more attention to the research work of editorial norms in order to obtain more and greater results and guide practice effectively. This paper focuses on the issue of editing standards in the field of science and technology books in recent years. By using the relevant knowledge and theory of editing and publishing, this paper combs and defines the basic concepts related to science and technology books and editorial norms. From the aspect of science and technology book publication, the paper summarizes the basic requirements of its standardization, and then analyzes the ways to realize the standard of science and technology editing from the aspect of the publisher of science and technology books, combining with the typical cases. Subsequently, the relevant government management departments to promote the standardization of science and technology editing measures. Finally, the paper briefly discusses the development and innovation of the scientific and technological editing standard under the new publishing environment. Through the research of this paper, we hope to deepen the theoretical research in this field, clarify the standardization requirements of sci-tech books, and provide theoretical basis and reference for scientific and technological publishing units to implement editorial standardization and relevant management departments to promote the standardization of sci-tech editing. However, the greatest significance of this paper is to arouse the publishing academic circles to attach great importance to the issue of editorial norms.
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