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发布时间:2018-05-12 23:07

  本文选题:民主日报 + 东北行政委员会民族委员会 ; 参考:《延边大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:解放战争初期,哈尔滨是我国解放最早的城市,是中共中央东北局、东北民主联军总部和东北行政委员会的所在地,是中国共产党在东北的政治、经济、军事和文化中心。其中,东北行政委员会民族委员会的机关报——《民主日报》以北满地区为中心,面向整个东北地区的朝鲜人,宣传中国共产党的各项方针、政策,刊登国内外重要形势,报道东北朝鲜人聚居区的政权建设、土地改革、工农业生产、文化建设等多方面消息,对朝鲜人群众投入到解放战争及朝鲜族社会的发展起到了积极作用。 从1948年4月1日创刊至1949年3月末停刊,《民主日报》虽然仅仅经历了一年左右的发展历程,但是其影响力却不容忽视。本文以《民主日报》为研究对象,从时代背景、主要内容等诸多方面进行分析,进而总结归纳出其影响和史料价值。 本文由绪论、本论和结论三部分组成。 第一章为绪论部分,主要阐述了本文的研究目的、意义、研究现状及研究方法。 第二、三、四章为本论部分。第二章阐述了东北行政委员会民族委员会的建立和《民主日报》的创刊。抗日战争胜利后,面对东北形势的急剧变化,中国共产党奉行一贯的民族平等政策,并专门设立了东北行政委员会民族委员会。与此同时,针对当时朝鲜族社会出版报纸的实际情况,创刊并发行《民主日报》。第三章从政治、经济、军事、文化等方面阐述并分析了《民主日报》的主要内容。其中,政治方面阐述了《民主日报》登载的关于中国共产党的各种方针、政策,以及政权建设的内容;经济方面阐述了农村大生产;军事方面阐述了关于解放战争及东北朝鲜人积极参军参战、支援前线的内容;文化方面阐述了当时东北朝鲜人聚居区的教育情况,以及文学艺术和其它各种专栏。第四章总结归纳了《民主日报》的影响,阐明《民主日报》在研究解放战争时期中国共产党和国民党的各种举措,以及北满地区的政治、经济、文化以及解放战争方面的重要史料价值。 第五章为结论部分,综合概述了《民主日报》的创刊、主要内容、影响及其史料价值。
[Abstract]:In the early days of the Liberation War, Harbin was the earliest city of liberation in China, the seat of the Northeast Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, the headquarters of the Northeast Democratic Coalition Army and the Northeast Administrative Committee. It was the political, economic, military and cultural center of the Communist Party of China in the Northeast. Among them, the "Democracy Daily", the official newspaper of the nationalities Committee of the Northeast Administrative Committee, centered on the North Manchu region, addressed the entire North Korean people in the Northeast region, publicized the principles and policies of the Communist Party of China, and published important domestic and foreign situations. This paper reports the construction of political power, land reform, industrial and agricultural production, and cultural construction in the areas inhabited by Korean people in Northeast China, which has played a positive role in the Korean people's involvement in the War of Liberation and the development of Korean society. From its inception on April 1, 1948 to its suspension at the end of March, 1949, the Democracy Daily has only experienced a year of development, but its influence should not be ignored. In this paper, the "Democracy Daily" as the research object, from the background of the times, the main content and other aspects of analysis, and then summed up its impact and historical value. This paper consists of three parts: introduction, theory and conclusion. The first chapter is the introduction part, mainly elaborated the research goal, the significance, the research present situation and the research method. The second, third and fourth chapters are the part of this theory. The second chapter expounds the establishment of ethnic Committee of Northeast Administrative Committee and the founding of Democracy Daily. After the victory of the War of Resistance against Japan, the Communist Party of China pursued the consistent policy of national equality and set up the National Committee of the Northeast Administrative Committee. At the same time, in view of the actual situation of Korean society publishing newspapers, it was founded and published Democracy Daily. The third chapter expounds and analyzes the main contents of Democracy Daily from the aspects of politics, economy, military affairs and culture. Among them, the political aspect elaborated the various principles, policies and the contents of the political power construction of the Communist Party of China published in the "Democratic Daily", the economic aspect elaborated the rural large-scale production; In military terms, the contents of the War of Liberation and the active participation of the Northeast Koreans in the war to support the front line were expounded, and the cultural aspects of the education of the North Koreans in the area of the Northeast at that time, as well as literature, art and other columns. The fourth chapter summarizes the influence of "Democracy Daily" and expounds the various measures taken by the Communist Party of China and the Kuomintang during the War of Liberation, as well as the politics and economy of the North Manchu region. Important historical value of culture and war of liberation. Chapter five is the conclusion part, which summarizes the creation, main content, influence and historical data value of Democracy Daily.


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