本文选题:出版物交换 + 政府出版物 ; 参考:《图书馆》2017年03期
[Abstract]:There are some difficulties in the overseas dissemination of Chinese government publications, such as the lack of concepts, the mixture of invalid information and the lack of interest drive. Some overseas national libraries, such as the Library of Congress of the United States, the National Library of Congress of Japan and the National Central Library of Korea, all have relevant practices in the international exchange of national government publications. Combined with the characteristics of the government publication market in China, the international exchange of government publications of the National Library of China has groped out a model suitable to the national conditions on the definition of the sources and categories of the documents. It also proves that library and information agencies have the advantages of authoritativeness, systematicness and openness in the process of overseas dissemination of government publications. On the basis of the relevant international experience and the actual situation of our country, it is suggested that the government should establish the official organization of the government publication, the main body of the publication exchange should attach importance to the conclusion of the exchange agreement, and the library and information organization should actively explore the mode of the exchange of government publications under the digital environment. The international exchange of government publications shall abide by the principle of state secrecy.
【作者单位】: 国家图书馆;
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