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发布时间:2018-06-22 05:41

  本文选题:关露 + 《女声》 ; 参考:《辽宁大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:《女声》创刊于1942年5月日本占领下的上海,是日伪政府为了争夺宣传阵地,宣扬“大东亚共荣思想”资助创办。1942年5月—1945年7月,关露受中共地下党的指派,进入《女声》担任重要的编辑工作。 关露在复杂艰难的历史语境下,顶住“不说”的压力的同时,积极巧妙的借用《女声》发声平台,传播进步声音。关露在《女声》期间,除负责《女声》重要的编辑工作外,还用多个笔名,先后撰写一百三十多篇文章,其中包括杂文、评论、通讯、访问记、影评剧评、小说、诗歌。 在《女声》发行期间,关露撰写大量的社会女性问题、社会现象的评论、杂文等言论性文章。关露的言论批判性、现实性强,对于女性问题、社会现象的揭露和批判深刻尖锐。关露的言论不仅在《女声》中占有重要的位置,而且在男性政治失语情况下,对社会的也产生积极的影响。 因此本论文意在在上海沦陷时期的历史语境下考察关露在《女声》中的言论,深刻剖析关露在《女声》中言论的形式、内容、风格特征,挖掘历史图景中关露言论历史价值及社会意义。 本文共分四个章节:第一章,阐释论题研究背景。梳理关露在革命文学道路的成长历程;概括《女声》基本情况;交代关露《女声》时期的历史语境、舆论氛围及《女声》内部的话语空间。 第二章,关露在《女声》中言论的内容分析与解读。本章对关露在《女声》中作为直接表达的评论,作为间接言论表达的访问记、戏剧电影评论,及关露在《女声》中的涉日言论,及关露全面主持《女声》时期的言论进行全面系统的梳理,分析与解读。 第三章,关露在《女声》中言论特色分析。《女声》时期的关露与同时代的女作家相比较,有自身独特的言论色彩,这表现为多种言论形式下的共同话语主题,坚定的女性启蒙立场,鲜明的翻案色彩,及批判、情感、思辨的论证特色。 第四章,关露在《女声》中言论的价值及意义。在女性期刊的发展历程中,关露在《女声》中的坚定的女性表达立场从一定程度上推动了女性期刊的发展,并成为考察中国女性话语形成不能或缺的环节。从历史社会图景中考察,关露在《女声》的积极发声在一定程度上颠覆了《女声》的殖民性,转而成为有益与社会,传播进步之声的园地。
[Abstract]:Founded in May 1942, Shanghai, under Japanese occupation, was funded by the Japanese-puppet government to fight for propaganda positions and promote the idea of "common prosperity in Greater East Asia." from May 1942 to July 1945, Guan Lu was appointed by the Chinese Communist Underground Party. Enter the female Voice as an important editor. In the complicated and difficult historical context, Guan Lu, while withstanding the pressure of "don't say", actively and skillfully borrows the platform of "female voice" to spread the progressive sound. In addition to her important editing work, Guan Lu wrote more than 130 articles under a number of pseudonyms, including essays, reviews, newsletters, interviews, film reviews, novels and poems. During the release of Girls, Guan Lu wrote a lot of comments on social women's issues, social phenomena, essays, etc. Guan Lu's remarks are critical, realistic, and sharp in exposing and criticizing women's problems. Guan Lu's comments not only play an important role in Women's Voice, but also have a positive impact on society in the case of male political aphasia. Therefore, in the historical context of Shanghai's enemy-occupied period, the purpose of this paper is to investigate Guan Lu's comments in "Women's Voice", and to analyze deeply the form, content and style characteristics of Guan Lu's speech in "Women's Voice". Excavate the historical value and social significance of Guan Lu speech in the historical picture. This paper is divided into four chapters: the first chapter explains the background of the thesis. Combing the growth course of Guan Lu in the road of revolutionary literature, summarizing the basic situation of "female voice", explaining the historical context of the period of "female voice", the atmosphere of public opinion and the inner discourse space of "female voice". Chapter two, the content analysis and interpretation of Guan Lu's speech in Girl Voice. This chapter reviews Guan Lu's comments as a direct expression, an interview as an indirect expression of speech, drama and film reviews, and Guan Lu's Japanese-related remarks in Women's Voice. And Guan Lu comprehensively presided over the period of speech for a comprehensive and systematic combing, analysis and interpretation. In the third chapter, Guan Lu analyses the characteristics of speech in "Women's Voice". Compared with the contemporary female writers, Guan Lu in the period of "Women's Voice" has its own unique speech color, which manifests itself as the common discourse theme under various forms of speech. A firm position on female enlightenment, a distinctive case-reversal color, and critical, emotional, speculative characteristics of the argument. Chapter four, the value and significance of Guan Lu's speech in Girl Voice. In the course of the development of women's periodicals, Guan Lu's firm position of female expression in Women's Voice promotes the development of women's periodicals to a certain extent, and becomes an indispensable link to investigate the formation of Chinese women's discourse. From the historical and social perspective, the positive voice of Guan Lu in "Women's Voice" subverts the colonization of "Women's Voice" to a certain extent, and becomes the garden of beneficial and social spread of progressive voice.


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