[Abstract]:In international communication, the reconstruction and interpretation of the image of his country has been the consensus of various media factors. In the cross-cultural communication, the mass media of one country often portraying his image of "his country" in the public's mind by reporting his country. In twentieth Century, the American media was based on its solid material basis and advanced communication technology. It plays an important role in shaping and disseminating the image of his country. Therefore, the study of the American mainstream media's report on China is of both theoretical and practical significance. In search of the vertical change and trend of "Chinese image" in the historical process, this paper tries to discuss the characteristics and operating mechanism of the times > China's reporting of the times under various factors. This article is divided into five chapters.
The first chapter is an overview of China's cover report of the times > weekly. First, starting with the concept of "cover report", it shows the unique value and status of the cover report in a magazine. Secondly, it gives a brief introduction to the historical development, influence and audience of the times > weekly to help readers understand the times > The cover story of weekly China has typical significance as a research sample.
The second chapter of the paper is mainly to analyze the social and cultural background of the American media related to China. On the one hand, the author explores the influence of the Chinese plot of the founder of the times > Ruth on the report of the early < times > to China. On the other hand, it explores the different periods and in a specific period, with the development of the Western cultural vision and Sino American relations as the collateral. Under the background of politics, history and culture, the appearance and outline of Chinese image in the eyes of the western public.
The third chapter of the paper is the systematic discourse analysis of the 62 cover reports that have been selected in the paper. In order to reflect the longitudinal trend and change of the "Chinese image" in the media reports, the author divides the 62 cover reports into four parts according to several major turning points in the attitude of the times to China. In turn, it comes down to four periods of the development and change of "Chinese image" in the times > weekly, that is, the beautiful period, the cold war period, the opening period and the period of containment. In each part, the author uses the way of discourse analysis to sketch out the concrete picture of the "Chinese image" presented in the news report.
In the fourth chapter of the paper, the author makes a statistical analysis of the research objects from four aspects: the number of reports, the content of the report, the tendency of reporting and the topic of the report. It can be seen that the American media, who claims to have "objective" and "neutral", has shown a clear general tendency in China's report to China and the Chinese political newspaper. After the analysis of the key issues of the times > weekly reports to China in different periods, it is found that the American media's choice of issues in China often takes the United States' own interests as the basis for the "agenda setting" in the context of the international situation, Sino US relations and China's policy to China.
In the fifth chapter, the author expounds how they exert a great influence on the "Chinese image" from the three aspects of the American national interests, the subjectivity of the editor and the ideological difference between the United States and the United States. At the same time, the unique news concept of the United States, the cultural backview of the journalists, and the commercial operation mechanism of the media are also indirectly affected. The choice and value judgment of "era" reporting to China.
Finally, we put forward that in the appeal to the American media to enhance the objective and neutral report on China, China should also enhance its cross-cultural communication ability, win the initiative of intercultural communication, and strive for China to build a powerful image of a peaceful rise.
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