[Abstract]:Inner Mongolia Women magazine is the director of Inner Mongolia Autonomous region Women's Federation, the only Mongolian edition of women's periodicals. We should always adhere to the correct guidance of public opinion with the aim of publicizing women to the society, publicizing society to women, developing national culture, improving the cultural quality of Mongolian women, and realizing the complete liberation of women. To publish articles of elegant style, unique style, rich content, various forms, and give full play to the functions of propaganda, education, guidance, and service of "Inner Mongolia Women", in spreading advanced culture, promoting the economic development of the autonomous region, and maintaining social stability. National unity, enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the masses and the development of national culture has made important contributions. This paper takes the magazine "Inner Mongolia Women", which was founded from 1951 to present, as the research object, and analyzes the historical situation, content characteristics, present situation and future development of the magazine in the past 60 years. This paper consists of four parts: introduction, text (chapter 1 to chapter 3), conclusion and appendix. The introduction explains the reason, purpose, significance and research status of the topic. The first chapter describes the history of Inner Mongolia Women's magazine from its inception to the present 60 years. Chapter two, the contents and forms of the magazine in the period of reform and opening up since the republication of Inner Mongolia Women in 1980. The third chapter expounds the achievements, problems and future suggestions of Inner Mongolia Women magazine. Finally, the paper summarizes the full text.
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