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发布时间:2018-07-25 07:50
[Abstract]:This paper reviews the evolution of the publishing industry in China and abroad from ancient to present, and clarifies the two most important threads in its development: cultural and industrial. It also tries to present a high degree of autonomy and extensive connection with the outside world in the description and analysis of the macro background of politics, economy and society. On this basis, the author further combed the relationship between higher education and university publishing, and used Bourdieu's field theory as the framework to observe the relationship between higher education and university publishing. Two pairs of highly related concepts are extracted from them: elite culture and university publishing, cultural field and contemporary public intellectuals. Through the analysis of the transformation of university publishing house from theory to discourse to practice, and the results of the questionnaire or interview of 50 practitioners, it is concluded that the reform of university publishing house is far from going deep into the core. State-owned property rights are still unique, the standard corporate governance structure needs to be improved, and many market operation methods are far from familiar with and are also subject to many shackles. For university publishing houses, the most needed is the organizational structure. The most important thing to learn is modern management and marketing skills, not profit maximization as the most important consideration; the editors of university publishing houses have a strong sense of mission as "cultural defenders." But this sense of mission is often eroded by lower pay, social status and autonomy, forcing them to experience occupational shocks from honeymoon to burnout to disillusionment. At the same time, the liberal market-oriented reform also seems to constitute a strong irony to this cultural sentiment.


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