[Abstract]:The study of the Great Wall information resources is one of the important contents of the Great Wall theory research, and is also the most valuable and practical research field. As a part of the research of the Great Wall information resources, this paper takes the publication and development of the Great Wall subject books since 1949 ~ 2010 as the research subject, and on the basis of carrying out extensive literature research and collecting the Great Wall subject books. This paper probes into the subject books of the Great Wall from the perspectives of historical development and the law of editing and publishing, and according to the characteristics of the Great Wall subject books in the course of publication, The publication of the Great Wall subject books since the founding of China is divided into three stages: (1) from 1949 to 1978, it is the beginning and beginning stage of the Great Wall subject book publishing; (2) from 1979 to 1999, it is the high speed development stage of the Great Wall subject book publishing; (3) from 2000 to present, Is the Great Wall theme book publication stable acceleration period. The thesis is divided into five parts. The first part expounds the related concepts of the Great Wall subject book publishing, the type of the Great Wall subject book, the significance and value of the Great Wall subject book publication, and the research path and method. The second part, on the basis of analyzing the development course of the Great Wall subject books since 1949, divides the publishing process of the Great Wall books into three stages, and analyzes and discusses each stage one by one. The third part, on the basis of summarizing the general situation of the Great Wall book publication since the founding of the people's Republic of China, analyzes the publishing law of the Great Wall books in each stage by using the form of graphics and tables, including the quantity, structure distribution, author, publisher and so on. The fourth part, on the basis of analyzing the development law of three stages of the Great Wall book publication, comprehensively evaluates the publishing status of the Great Wall subject books in China, and points out the achievements and shortcomings in its development process. The fifth part, on the basis of the previous discussion, points out the development direction of the Great Wall subject book publication in the future, and gives some concrete opinions and suggestions.
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