[Abstract]:[objective] to understand the degree of public concern and understanding of medical information and the role of journal editors in the process of scientific and technological information dissemination. [methods] to understand the degree of concern, access and trust of the public to medical information through questionnaires. Participants are invited to read a paper and choose the conclusion of the article they understand. Understand the role of journal editors in helping respondents to understand the paper. [results] there is a high level of public attention to medical information. The degree of information trust from academic journals is high, but difficult to understand. The public's understanding of medical papers is easily misled, and this misguided degree is not related to educational level. A few of the respondents can read medical papers, but most of them can understand the editors' interpretation of the papers. [conclusion] the public has a high degree of trust in medical academic papers, but it is difficult to understand, and the conclusions of academic papers are easy to be misread. The editors of medical science and technology journals explain the academic papers and help the public to understand them.
【作者单位】: 《第三军医大学学报》编辑部;重庆医科大学附属第一医院;重庆市健康教育所;
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