[Abstract]:News title is the summarization and concentration of news content, and it is the most concise, vivid and instructive embodiment of news subject. News communicators should consider a lot of factors when making headlines. The model of relevance-adaptation can explain the process of headline making well. When making news headlines, news communicators should not only make the best connection with news content and audience psychology, but also adapt to the elements of context, mainly referring to the physical world, social world and psychological world. And the results of these adaptations will be embodied in all levels of language structure in news headlines, mainly including phonetic and lexical aspects. Among them, the phonetics level is mainly embodied in the adaptation to intonation, while the lexical level is characterized by the abbreviation, the use of numerals and the choice of vocabulary. Thus, the communicator realizes the adaptation of news headlines to the language structure. In the process of headline making, the communicator takes the cognitive context of the audience as the basis and adapts to the elements that conform to the relevance principle, thus forming the contextual hypothesis, and the emergence of the news headline is the result of the adaptation to these contextual assumptions. In the process of unidirectional headline communication from communicator to audience, context is not fixed, but with the development of communication, it is dynamic. At the same time, in the process of making headlines, in order to gain more audience's attention and achieve the purpose of news dissemination, the communicators usually adopt some strategies to make news headlines have new ideas and make them different. These strategies include: neologism strategy, salience strategy, comparison strategy, imitation strategy, suspension strategy and colloquial strategy.
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