[Abstract]:Network technology is a new technology that appeared in 1990's, and it is the result of the combination of communication technology and computer technology. The fundamental characteristic of network technology is to eliminate the isolated island of information. It integrates the scattered resources on the Internet into an organic whole and realizes the overall sharing and cooperation of resources. Improve the overall ability of the user to use the resource and obtain the required information on demand. In the 21st century, network technology has been rapidly developed and popularized, and has been applied to the development of various industries in the world. In the publishing industry, network technology is also playing a more and more important role. The publishing industry is an important part of the cultural undertaking, and its development level reflects a country's cultural strength and comprehensive national strength. In addition, China's publishing industry also shoulders the important task of inheriting socialist spiritual civilization and propagating the party's general policy. Therefore, the healthy development of publishing industry is of great significance to the construction of socialist material civilization and spiritual civilization. Since the reform and opening up for more than 30 years, the book publishing industry of our country has been developing continuously. However, it has met many challenges while it has been developing rapidly. With the development of information technology, people's reading has changed greatly. At the same time, some disadvantages of the publishing industry have also been exposed: the imbalance of the book variety structure can not only meet the reading needs of the readers, but also cause vicious competition, the management level and the production efficiency are low, Compared with other industries with a high degree of marketization, the marketing concept and marketing mode are backward, without a reasonable book pricing mechanism and an effective propaganda mechanism, so that books can not be circulated to readers effectively and quickly. The lack of complex talents can not provide effective intellectual support for the long-term development of the publishing industry. Under the new historical conditions, China's book publishing industry will gradually move to the market, the competition will be more intense. In the face of opportunities and challenges, China's publishing industry must fully understand and analyze its own problems, and make use of network technology to reform itself to find a new way for the development of the publishing industry. Based on the research and analysis of many peer research achievements, this paper puts forward some concrete measures to develop the publishing industry by using network technology from the perspective of practical development. To sum up, it is to make use of the network technology to find a new breakthrough for the development of the traditional publishing, and at the same time, to develop the unique network publishing and to seek a new way of development for the publishing.
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