[Abstract]:The United States is a media power, but also a magazine power. The development experience of American magazine has reference significance to Chinese sports magazine in the period of transition. Sports Illustrated, a famous sports magazine in the United States, has more than 50 years of history and experience. It is the largest sports magazine in circulation in the world. Its traditional long-length descriptive reports, as well as visual impact of the image style, in the United States sports magazine world. There are many sports magazines in China at present, but not a comprehensive sports magazine such as Sports Illustrated. In the post-Olympic era, it is an urgent problem where the development of comprehensive sports magazines will go. This paper first analyzes the history and present situation of Chinese and American sports magazines. After that, using Sports Illustrated Journal and whole Sports as the model of the two countries' comprehensive sports magazines, using the methods of literature, text analysis, expert interview and case analysis, this paper compares the expression forms of the two magazines. The similarities and differences between business models and deep values. The conclusions are as follows: 1. Form, reflect the different positioning of the magazine; 2. On the business model, the difference of the news system caused the difference of the development of sports magazine between the two countries; 3. In terms of values, the differences in the mainstream values of the two countries have affected the positioning of the two sports magazines. It is suggested that Chinese comprehensive sports magazines should learn from the advanced experience of American sports magazines and establish their own brands. In order to strengthen the strength of sports magazines and develop a way suitable for themselves, we should reform the system, combine with the reality of China, set up the media group and carry out the interactive cooperation of multimedia.
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