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发布时间:2018-11-09 11:30
【摘要】:建筑作品是著作权法所保护的作品,这是大多数国家都予以认可的。我国直到2001年著作权法修改之后,才明确将建筑作品作为单独一类列为著作权法保护的客体。同时,随着我国经济的发展,近年来不断涌现出与建筑作品著作权有关的案例。建筑作品的保护在我国知识产权体系中还处于尚待完善的领域,其中的相关理论与司法实践还有许多问题需要深入研究。 关于建筑作品的保护范围,我国著作权法上规定建筑作品仅指具有审美意义的建筑物或构筑物,这个规定与国际公约及大多数国家和地区的规定有一定的差异。建筑作品的保护范围应当包括建筑设计图、施工图、建筑模型和建筑物或者构筑物。建筑作品具有与其他著作权法意义上的作品不同的鲜明特征:建筑作品的独创性要求较低;建筑作品是艺术性和科学性兼具的作品等。 建筑作品著作人身权的行使具有特殊性。首先,建筑作品发表权行使的特殊性,建筑物的建成并不意味着建筑作品的发表,建筑作品的发表应该是指建筑设计图纸的发表;其次,建筑作品署名权行使的特殊性。在建筑图纸上行使署名权时,要受到必须署真名的限制,只能善意行使在建筑物上的署名权;最后,建筑作品修改权和保护作品完整权的行使要遵守一定的限制规则。 建筑作品著作财产权行使也具有特殊性。对建筑作品复制包括四种可能出现的复制方式:从平面到平面、从平面到立体、从立体到平面、从立体到立体。我国立法虽然没有明确规定从平面到立体及从立体到平面是否为著作权法意义上的复制,但相关司法实践已经认可这两种形式的复制属于著作权法意义的复制。对建筑作品的合理使用,应兼顾其目的的正当性,不宜仅根据其是否商业性进行判断。 对建筑作品进行著作权保护,在国际公约和其他国家和地区的立法中已经有了比较成熟的保护模式,我国虽然在修改后的著作权法中将建筑作品纳入保护范围,但是对于建筑作品著作权中相关特殊性问题并没有作出充分的考虑,通过以上问题的分析,对建筑作品的保护提供具有借鉴意义的参考。
[Abstract]:Construction works are protected by copyright law, which is recognized by most countries. Only after the amendment of copyright law in 2001 did the construction work be regarded as the object protected by copyright law. At the same time, with the development of economy in our country, the cases related to the copyright of construction works emerge continuously in recent years. The protection of architectural works is still in the field of improvement in the intellectual property system of our country. With regard to the scope of protection of architectural works, the copyright law of our country stipulates that architectural works only refer to buildings or structures with aesthetic significance, which is different from international conventions and the provisions of most countries and regions. The scope of protection of an architectural work shall include architectural drawings, construction drawings, building models and buildings or structures. Architectural works have different features from other works in the sense of copyright law: the originality of architectural works is low and the architectural works are works of both art and science. The exercise of personal rights in architectural works has its particularity. Firstly, the particularity of the exercise of the right to publish the building works, the building construction does not mean the publication of the architectural works, the publication of the architectural works should refer to the publication of the architectural design drawings; secondly, the particularity of the execution of the authorship of the architectural works. When exercising the right of authorship on the building drawing, it must be restricted by the real name, only the right of signature on the building can be exercised in good faith. Finally, the exercise of the right to modify the building work and protect the integrity of the work must abide by certain restriction rules. The exercise of property right in architectural works also has its particularity. There are four possible ways of replicating architectural works: from plane to plane, from plane to solid, from solid to plane, from solid to solid. Although the legislation of our country has not clearly stipulated whether the copy from plane to stereo and from stereo to plane is a copy in the sense of copyright law, the relevant judicial practice has recognized that these two forms of reproduction belong to the meaning of copyright law. The reasonable use of architectural works should take into account the legitimacy of its purpose and should not be judged solely on the basis of whether it is commercial or not. In the international conventions and other national and regional legislations, the copyright protection of building works has already been more mature. Although our country has incorporated the building works into the scope of protection in the revised copyright law, However, there is no sufficient consideration for the particularity of the copyright of the architectural works. Through the analysis of the above problems, it provides a reference for the protection of the architectural works.


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