[Abstract]:In the last year of the late Qing Dynasty, the Commercial Press was founded in the first year of the People's Republic of China. By the time of the May 4th Movement, the Commercial Press Library has been in the monopoly position of the printing industry in China. The development of the business printing library is the key stage of the internationalization of the modern China's integration into the international system. The head of the Commercial Press, represented by Zhang Yuanji, realized that the internationalization of modern China was first the exchange and sharing of the cultural and spiritual products of the East and the West, only so that the closed state of the nation could be broken. This sense of mission established the business logic of the commercial printing house in the late Qing Dynasty: to promote the international operation logic of the cultural exchange between China and the other, and to maintain the commercial operation logic of the appropriate distance with the politics. In the process of the relationship between the government and the government, the commercial printing house built a powerful power network in the beginning of the Qing Dynasty. The core power of this power network is the Beijing Ministry of Education, the Peking University and the Jiangsu Education Association.
【作者单位】: 复旦大学历史系;
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