[Abstract]:[objective] under the guidance of the current academic evaluation system and the internationalization development of academic journals in China, the development of Chinese academic journals is facing great challenges. How to further develop Chinese academic journals is an important subject. [methods] eight representative Chinese optical journals are compared and analyzed, and a series of measures to improve the academic quality and influence of periodicals are summarized by taking Optics Journal as an example. [results] periodicals are developed by means of improving academic quality, improving service quality and increasing propaganda. [conclusion] the demand of Chinese academic journals exists objectively, and with the support of relevant national departments, it is playing a more important role. It is hoped that the development of Journal of Optics can provide some experience and reference for other Chinese academic journals.
【作者单位】: 《中国激光》杂志社有限公司;中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所;
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