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发布时间:2017-12-28 00:16

  本文关键词:抗日战争时期中共领导的重庆妇女运动 出处:《西华师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 抗日战争 重庆妇女运动 当代启示

[Abstract]:Since July 1937, the outbreak of the Anti Japanese War, in the nation of vital importance on the verge of death or destruction of the occasion, Chinese women in all walks of life actively, unite to join the national salvation movement, the women's Liberation and national liberation together, so that the women of this period is very active in sports. Chongqing is the capital of the Anti Japanese War and the world anti fascist war and the Far East Command Center, has a pivotal position in the Anti Japanese war. In this paper, the women's movement in Chongqing during the Anti Japanese war as the research object, through the analysis of Chongqing women's movement during the Anti Japanese War and the war in the background of different stages of the Chongqing women's national salvation organization and its salvation activities to elaborate Chongqing women's movement and its historical contribution to the victory of the war, on this basis, revealing the historical experience the women's movement. The full text is divided into five parts. The first part mainly discusses the purpose and significance of this topic, reviews the research status at home and abroad, this paper introduces the research methods, the innovation and the definition of related concepts; the second part introduces the rise of women's movement in Chongqing during the Anti Japanese War, the national crisis deepened, the leadership of the Communist Party of Chinese, before the Anti Japanese War of the women's movement and the living conditions of women in Chongqing at that time is the background of the rise of the women's movement in Chongqing. The third part discusses the development and climax of the movement of women in Chongqing during the war of resistance against Japan. The basic situation of women's movement in Chongqing is illustrated by enumerating the strategic defensive stage, the strategic stalemate and the women's salvation movement in the strategic counter offensive stage. The fourth part studies the status and historical contribution of Chongqing women's movement during the war of resistance against Japan. As an important part of the Chinese national democratic revolution, the women's movement in Chongqing is a valuable wealth in the history of the women's movement in modern China. The contribution of Chongqing women's movement on the victory of the Anti Japanese war is mainly reflected by what they are doing on the material and spiritual contribution contribution in the development of production, donate clothes money, guarantee the supply and rear Anti Japanese propaganda, show sympathy, morale, they played a major role. The fifth part studies the Contemporary Enlightenment of Chongqing women's movement during the war of resistance against Japan. Chongqing women's movement process itself cannot do without the correct leadership of the positive efforts of the CPC and its practice and help some foreign women's organizations, in the contemporary we want to learn from its successful experience, Chinese adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party, adhere to the foreign exchanges, deepen the United Front, with an open attitude to learn from the development achievements of foreign women.


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