本文关键词: 新民主主义革命时期 延边 马克思主义 传播 出处:《大理大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The spread of Marxism in Yanbian is an important part of the spread of Marxism. Yanbian is located in the east of Jilin Province, east of Russia, south of Korea. At the same time. Jilin area has been invaded by Japanese aggressors for many years, such special geographical advantages and characteristics make the spread of Marxism in Yanbian in the new democratic period have different connotations and characteristics from those in coastal and inland areas. Because of its different influence and significance, the research on it has important theoretical and academic value. Up to now, most of the scholars in our country have done research on the spread of Marxism in China. And the research content is also from various aspects; Therefore, the period of the New Democratic Revolution from 1919 to 1949 was taken as the time boundary point, and the Yanbian area as the object of study. A detailed review of the spread of Marxism is of great significance to enrich the history of the spread of Marxism. The spread of Marxism in Yanbian during the period of the New Democratic Revolution does not exist in isolation. It is the result of the world development theme war and revolution and the Russian October Revolution. It is also the inevitable choice for the Chinese to seek the road of national salvation. The spread of Marxism in Yanbian has different subjects and contents according to its different historical periods. Before the outbreak of the War of Resistance against Japan, some advanced intellectuals began to study the guiding ideology of Marxism and, under the guidance of Marxist theory, set up anti-Japanese groups to carry out armed struggle. The Party branches and political power that have also been established; During the Anti-Japanese War, the spread of Marxism in Yanbian gradually expanded, the Marxists expanded the revolutionary base areas and established anti-Japanese guerrilla areas; During the War of Liberation, the spread of Marxism not only gradually expanded militarily. The dissemination of Marxism in Yanbian during the period of the New Democratic Revolution has distinct characteristics. Both in content, scale and subject, the spread of Marxism in Yanbian is constantly expanded in form. At the same time, the spread of Marxism in Yanbian during the New Democratic Revolution period has important implications for the dissemination of contemporary Marxism. We should adhere to the combination of theory and practice and enrich the process of Sinicization of Marxism; Vigorously promote theoretical innovation; More attention should be paid to the innovation of methods to promote the process of popularization of Marxism. The study of the spread of Marxism in Yanbian during the period of the New Democratic Revolution is not just a simple list of the historical facts of this period. On the basis of historical facts, the author sums up the characteristics of communication, and puts forward the enlightenment to the dissemination of contemporary Marxism, strengthens the power and influence of the dissemination of Marxist theory, and continuously realizes the theoretical innovation. To realize the localization and popularization of Marxism in China.
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