本文关键词: 现代 女性党政领导干部 成长发展 培养选拔 出处:《辽宁师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:国以才兴,业以才旺;国家兴盛,人才为本。当今世界各国政治经济社会的竞争,说到底是人才的竞争,特别是各领域领导人才的竞争。党政领导干部作为领导领域的人才,由于身居党政重要职位,肩负着领导工作的重要使命,因此在广大领导干部中更具有特殊重要的意义。在21世纪的今天,党政领导干部的培养与选拔已经成为关系着党和国家事业发展的关键性问题。随着社会经济的发展以及妇女地位的日渐提高,女性党政领导干部作为党政领导干部的重要组成部分,已经越来越受到全世界各国的广泛关注。在中国,越来越多的女性开始活跃于政治领域,她们走上了党政领导的岗位,甚至在高层党政领导岗位上也越来越多地出现了女性的身影。这是人类社会进步的成果,也是女性参政议政水平显著提高的表现,是人类文明进步过程中不可逆转的潮流。然而,在我国,由于受到传统文化、制度观念等许多因素的制约,女性党政领导干部无论在组织结构上还是在人员数量上都不尽如人意。如何科学地培养选拔女性党政领导干部,提高其质量和数量,优化其在组织中的结构,是当前党的建设工作中面临的一个十分重要的课题,并对我国推进社会主义民主政治建设进程有着极其重要的影响。 除了导论以及结束语外,,全文正文部分由四个章节构成。 导论主要阐明了本文的研究意义,梳理并总结了此类课题的研究状况,概括地介绍了本文的主要研究方法以及创新之处。 第一章,首先对女性党政领导干部的概念作了具体的界定,详细阐述了女性领导干部的基本内涵、性别角色特质以及优势。 第二章,主要是从理论上对女性党政领导干部的培养与选拔进行分析,包括马克思、恩格斯、列宁、毛泽东、邓小平等马克思主义经典作家的妇女解放、女性参政的思想。 第三章,针对我国女性党政领导干部培养与选拔进行考察,总结出已取得的成绩,找出在培养与选拔过程中存在的问题,并密切联系历史、经济、政治、文化等多方面因素,切实发掘造成问题的内部与外部原因。 第四章是本文的关键所在,在前文对我国女性党政领导干部培养与选拔分析的基础上,重点阐述了我国现代女性党政领导干部培养与选拔的具体路径。
[Abstract]:The political, economic and social competition in the world today is, in the final analysis, the competition for talents, especially the competition for leaders in various fields. Party and government leading cadres are talents in the leadership field. Because they occupy important positions in the Party and government and shoulder the important mission of leading work, they are of special significance among the broad masses of leading cadres. Today, in 21th century, The cultivation and selection of leading cadres of the Party and government has become a key issue related to the development of the Party and the country. With the development of social economy and the increasing advancement of women's status, As an important part of the leading cadres of the party and government, female party and government leading cadres have attracted more and more attention from all over the world. In China, more and more women are active in the political field, and they have entered the positions of party and government leaders. Even in senior party and government leadership positions, more and more women are appearing. This is the result of the progress of human society and the remarkable improvement of women's participation in political affairs. It is an irreversible trend in the progress of human civilization. However, in our country, because of the traditional culture, system concept and many other factors, Both the organizational structure and the number of personnel of female party and government leading cadres are unsatisfactory. How to scientifically train and select female party and government leading cadres, improve their quality and quantity, and optimize their structure in the organization, It is a very important subject in the construction of the Party and has an extremely important influence on the process of promoting the construction of socialist democracy in our country. In addition to the introduction and concluding remarks, the text is composed of four chapters. The introduction mainly clarifies the significance of this paper, combs and summarizes the research situation of this kind of subject, and introduces the main research methods and innovations of this paper. In the first chapter, the concept of female party and government leading cadres is defined, and the basic connotation, gender roles and advantages of female leading cadres are expounded in detail. The second chapter is the theoretical analysis of the training and selection of female party and government leading cadres, including Marx, Engels, Lenin, Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and other Marxist classic writers of the emancipation of women, women in politics. The third chapter investigates the training and selection of female party and government leading cadres in China, summarizes the achievements made, finds out the problems existing in the training and selection process, and closely links with historical, economic, political, cultural and other factors. Explore the internal and external causes of the problem. Chapter 4th is the key of this paper. On the basis of the analysis of the training and selection of female party and government leading cadres in our country, this paper focuses on the concrete path of training and selecting the female party and government leading cadres in our country.
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