本文关键词: 李荒 辽宁省委 常务书记 政协主席 网刊 思想解放 现代化建设 旅大 殷参 习仲勋 出处:《党建》2015年06期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:On May 25th 2015, People's Daily published the newsletter "loyalty of an Old Communist Party", which was published by our reporter. The full text was published in this magazine and on the Party Building Web site. He came from the war of war and took part in the War of Resistance against Japan. As one of the 15 official representatives of the Northeast liberated areas, he attended the first plenary session of the Chinese people's political Consultative Conference held on 1949. He was a promoter of socialist construction and a victim of the "Cultural Revolution". He is a supporter of ideological liberation, a leader in the reform, opening up and modernization drive, and has witnessed the development of the Republic and the extraordinary history of the Party. He is a leading comrade at the provincial and ministerial levels, with the Party in his heart and loyalty to the Party and the people in his mind. Strive for the people. He has responsibility in his heart, and courage to bear it; he has precepts in his heart.
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4 郑奇志;;在“一二·九”洪流中的李荒[J];党史纵横;2008年12期
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