本文选题:新时期 切入点:党报 出处:《石家庄铁道大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Theoretical communication is an indispensable function of the Party newspaper. In different periods of revolution and construction, the theoretical propaganda of the Party newspaper has played a role in spreading the Marxist theory of Sinicization. The role of popularizing Marxism. The social environment and media environment have changed obviously in the new period. How to improve the theoretical communication effect of the Party newspaper, and how to scientifically construct the Chinese Marxist theory communication mode, On the basis of combing and pondering on the theoretical communication of the Party newspaper, the paper briefly reviews the course and reform of the theoretical communication of the Party newspaper. This paper analyzes the present situation of the dissemination of Marxist theory in China in the new period of the Party newspaper, and holds that the theoretical communication of the party newspaper in the new period pays attention to the interpretation of the theory, guides the public opinion, and promotes the popularization of Marxism. However, due to the complexity of social environment, the imperfect system of theoretical communication of the Party newspaper and the lack of understanding of the information needs of the audience, the theoretical layout of the party newspaper is insufficient and the amount of information in the theoretical articles is not large. The content of theoretical articles is low in originality, readability, lack of appeal and so on. In the face of the challenge of new media and new technology, the integration of Marxist theory and new media technology into Chinese newspaper is insufficient. In order to enhance the dissemination effect of the Party newspaper's theory of Marxism in China, and further enhance the function of the party newspaper's theoretical communication, The paper puts forward the following countermeasures: first, continue to give full play to the function of Marxist theory dissemination in the Party newspaper, adhere to the political, popular, authoritative and theoretical dissemination position of the theory dissemination. And expand the layout appropriately. Second, it is necessary to innovate the mode of dissemination of Marxist theory in the Party newspaper in China, perfect the theoretical communication system of the party newspaper, and create a new media matrix for the party newspaper. Third, it is necessary to enrich and expand the dissemination of Marxist theory in the Party newspaper in China, to face up to the real issues of people's livelihood, to highlight academic standards, and to integrate national culture. Promoting the practice of mainstream values. Fourth, cultivating high-quality theoretical talents, innovating training mechanisms and incentive mechanisms, and cultivating first-class theoretical workers. Fifth, improving the quality of the theoretical edition of the Party newspaper, paying attention to readability and guiding function of the theoretical edition. Create a brand of theoretical communication.
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