本文选题:中国共产党 切入点:党的建设 出处:《辽宁工业大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The Party's style of work relates to the Party's image and to the success or failure of the party's and the people's cause. Only by vigorously carrying forward the party's fine style of work and promoting the style of government with a good party's style of work can we form a strong force to rally the hearts and minds of the party and the people. Since the founding of the Party, especially since the founding of New China, the Communist Party of China has attached great importance to strengthening its style of work. The socialist revolution and construction, as well as the various historical periods of reform and opening up, have made arduous explorations and accumulated valuable experience in the building of the Party's style of work, which have contributed to the further improvement of the Party's style of work at present. Focusing on strengthening the building of anti-corruption and building a clean government has very important and profound enlightenment. Chinese Dream, who has built a well-off society in an all-round way, has achieved the goal of "two hundred years" and has realized the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, This paper is divided into nine parts: the first part is the introduction: the research background and practical significance of this paper are described, and the current research situation at home and abroad is summarized. The second part is the ideological source of the theory of the Party style construction of the Communist Party of China, and analyzes the theories of Marx, Engels and Lenin on the construction of the party style. In this way, we can explain that the CPC's party style building thoughts are mainly derived from Marx, Engels, and Lenin's theories on party building. Part three, four, five, six, and seven, respectively, on the basis of Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, The theory of the Party style construction of the Communist Party of China, represented by Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping, is analyzed, and the main contents of the CPC's theory on the construction of the Party style during their respective representative periods are explained. This paper demonstrates its historical position in the theory of party style construction of the Communist Party of China and its outstanding contribution. 8th parts are divided into the experience and enlightenment of the Communist Party of China in strengthening the construction of party style: it is proposed to strengthen and improve the Party's style of work. We must firmly grasp the centralization point of strictly governing the party, grasp the core, key points and key points of the party style building, and strengthen the institutional guarantee of the party style building. Make clear the long-term and arduous nature of the construction of the Party style. The last part is the conclusion: a brief overview of the historical development process of the construction of the Party style of the Communist Party of China, This paper briefly combs the relationship between the theory of the Party style construction of the Chinese Communists in different historical periods, and briefly explains the deficiency of this paper.
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