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发布时间:2018-03-26 11:16

  本文选题:金积镇 切入点:基层党建 出处:《北京外国语大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The construction of the Party's grass-roots organizations has always been the focus of the Party building work of the Communist Party of China. Since the founding of the Party, the leaders of successive generations and the spirit of a large number of central documents have discussed and arranged the issue of party building at the grass-roots level. Since the reform and opening up, In order to adapt to the world situation and the present domestic situation, how to carry out the grass-roots party building has become an important content of the theory of socialist party building with Chinese characteristics. Because of the particularity of the grass-roots party building work in ethnic minority areas, it is different from other places. Special attention has been given to this in the theory of socialist party building with Chinese characteristics, and party organizations at all levels have also issued documents specially designed to guide the construction of grass-roots parties in areas inhabited by ethnic minorities. The author took part in the summer vacation project held by Tsinghua University during the summer vacation, where the Jinji Town Government was the official, and the position was an assistant to the mayor. During his stay in Jinji Town, the author took up his post in Jinji Town during the summer vacation. The party building work in towns and more than 10 villages under its jurisdiction has been visited and investigated, and a lot of first-hand information has been grasped. It has been found that the innovative work of the party building in Jinji Town is well done, and that ethnic relations are relatively harmonious. It is believed that the Party building work in Jinji Town is worth studying and popularizing. Therefore, under the guidance of the theory of socialist Party building with Chinese characteristics, this paper discusses the concrete practice of the Party building work at the grass-roots level in Jinji Town. This paper attempts to summarize the regular contents of the grass-roots Party building work in Jinji Town, which is beneficial to other areas. The core content of the article is divided into three parts: first, the introduction of the history and present situation of the Party building work in Jinji Town, Wuzhong City; second, the introduction of the current situation of the Party building work in Jinji Town, Wuzhong City. Third, summarize the innovation points of the Party building work in Jinji Town, and put forward the countermeasures to solve the shortcomings of the Party building work in Jinji Town, in order to discuss these problems in this paper. In this paper, by using the methods of literature research and empirical research, two typical ways of innovating the grass-roots party building work in Jinji Town, namely, the party building work that the branch is built on the production line and the national culture is combined, are used. This paper discusses the significance of innovative working methods to the Party building at the grass-roots level and to the CPC. During the term of office, the deficiencies of the Party building work in Jinji Town have been found through observation, interviews, and going to the countryside. The particularity and innovation of Jinji Town in the grass-roots Party building have certain reference and enlightenment significance to the grass-roots Party building work in other ethnic areas.


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