本文选题:十八大 切入点:中国共产党 出处:《华中师范大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:To maintain the purity of the Party is the fundamental ideological and political task of the Marxist party, and as a great Marxist party, The Communist Party of China has always been the advocate and practitioner of pure construction. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, pure construction of the party has been brought to a new height. On the basis of inheriting the rational core of the construction of the proletarian party by the classical Marxist writers, the new central leading collective has absorbed the essence of the Party's pure construction thought from the successive leading collectives of the Communist Party of China. Under the background of accurate understanding of the current world situation, the Party's feelings and the profound changes in the national conditions, the Party's purity construction thought has been put forward. The content of the Party's purity construction thought since the 18th National Congress has been concretely manifested in the purity of thought, the purity of the organization, and the purity of the style of work. In this "five-in-one" new layout, maintaining the Party's ideological purity is the fundamental prerequisite for the Party's purity construction, and maintaining the Party's organizational purity is the key link in the Party's purity construction. To maintain the purity of the Party's work style is an important criterion for the Party's purity construction, to strengthen the Party's anti-corruption and clean government construction is a major measure of the Party's purity construction, and to strengthen the party's institutional construction is the proper meaning of the party's purity construction. The content of the Party's pure construction thought reflects the distinct characteristics of the continuity and development, the harmony between the essence and the strictness, the combination of effectiveness and normality, the unity of systematicness and emphasis, and the endless practice. The Party's purity construction has always been on the road, and the immutability of the party's purity construction is demonstrated by the constant innovation of theory and practice. Since the 18th National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has put forward some refreshing views on the purity of the party, such as the theory of spiritual calcium supplementation, the theory of power weaving cage, the theory of anti-corruption determination, the theory of party members' self-discipline, and so on. At the same time, it takes opposing the "four winds" as the breakthrough point, improving the working style of the party as the practical starting point of the Party's purity construction, taking the ideological building of the party and the system governing the party together as the core of the Party's purity construction. To implement the overall and strict party responsibility system as the practical focus of the Party's purity construction, and to take "the people's yearning for a better life" as the practical purpose of the Party's purity construction. Series of theoretical and practical innovations make the Party's purity construction has profound theoretical value and practical significance.
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