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发布时间:2018-03-30 04:26

  本文选题:延安时期 切入点:陈云 出处:《延安大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Chen Yun's financial thought in Yan'an period is an important part of his economic thought, and also the precious wealth of our Party's financial thought.After the War of Resistance against Japan entered the stage of confrontation, in the face of the double blockade and oppression of the Japanese aggressors and the Kuomintang, on the one hand, the foreign aid of the border region was cut off; on the other hand, the expenses of the border region increased and the currency was issued in large quantities, which caused the price to soar and the devaluation of the border currency.This had an important impact on the financial economy of the border region and caused the border region to fall into serious financial difficulties.The meeting of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee decided that Chen Yun should be a member of the Northwest Bureau, deputy director of the Northwest Financial and Economic Office and director of the political Department, who would take charge of the work of the Northwest Financial and Economic Office and come forward to solve the financial difficulties under the economic blockade.The formation of Chen Yun's fiscal thought in Yan'an period was not accomplished overnight. It had its unique practical and theoretical origins: joining the Communist Party of China, leading the workers' movement, opening shops, conducting covert struggles, and carrying out economic struggles.The theoretical origin of resisting the practice of "left" deviation and the systematic study of Marxism-Leninist economic theory during the period of Moscow, and the influence of Mao Zedong's financial and economic thought during Yan'an period, etc.The basic contents of Chen Yun's fiscal thought in Yan'an period are as follows: developing production as the basis, ensuring financial supply, concentrating financial forces and distributing expenditure, insisting on the work goal of balancing fiscal revenue and expenditure all the time, simplifying and saving, overcoming waste;Open and transparent, long-term plan; small duke from the Grand Duke, savings, preparation for counter-attack and so on.The main characteristics of Chen Yun's financial thoughts during Yan'an period are as follows: persisting in studying and dealing with problems realistically and realistically, learning from all kinds of people, collecting wisdom, and so on; investigating and studying in person, collecting economic information, etc.Managing the realistic attitude of compiling "Economic Information" and insisting on supporting the financial cadres in the quandary should have a sense of responsibility of the "boss" attitude, etc.Chen Yun's fiscal thoughts during Yan'an period had important historical contributions: not only did he stabilize the financial crisis that needed to be solved in the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border region at that time, and achieved fiscal balance, but also left enough reserve savings for the time, so as to truly achieve the correct leadership of the government.The people actively bear all kinds of burdens and provide methods for solving the financial imbalance, such as increasing the production of necessities of life, expanding the domestic demand in the border areas, promoting the export of local agricultural products with local characteristics, and implementing a unified plan to overcome their own problems;It also laid a foundation for putting forward comprehensive and balanced fiscal thought after the founding of the people's Republic of China.


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