本文选题:中国共青团 切入点:组织转型 出处:《中国青年社会科学》2015年02期
[Abstract]:Deepening reform in an all-round way has become the clearest background of the Communist Youth League and youth work, affecting and determining the basic pattern and development space of the work of the Communist Youth League.The development environment of Chinese Communist Youth League will be "new normal", its core task is "transformation".The background of the new normal determines the direction of the transition and development of the League organization, the creativity of the organization determines the strength of the transformation, the state of the regiment cadres determines the power of the transformation and development.Whether to face up to the problems faced by the organization and to reform boldly determines the speed of organizational transformation. The external system support of the Communist Youth League is still the core of its continuous optimization in its development.
【作者单位】: 中央团校共青团工作理论研究所;
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