本文选题:习近平 + 为官不为 ; 参考:《南京信息工程大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:党的十八大以来,以习总书记为核心的党中央领导集体在科学把握目前反腐形势以及腐败新特征的基础上,针对反腐高压态势下越演越烈的“为官不为”现象提出了一系列新思想、新论断,逐步形成了习近平关于“为官不为”型腐败治理的新思想。习近平关于“为官不为”型腐败治理思想是应对全球形势变化考验、国内新任务挑战和反腐新形势的必然要求,是在继承与发展马克思、恩格斯、列宁、中共历届领导集体关于“为官不为”型腐败治理思想以及中国传统文化中勤政思想的基础上,结合中国新形势下的腐败新形态治理而不断完善发展的治理思想,经历了从萌芽到形成并逐渐成熟的发展历程。习近平关于“为官不为”型腐败治理思想是一个结构完整、内容丰富的治理思想,该思想对治理对象进行了科学的划分;提出了“三步走”的治理原则:第一,搞清楚“为官不为”的乱象本质,明确“为官不为”的真正本质是“四风”问题的变相反应;第二,找出“为官不为”的症结原因,弄清自身素质、政治生态、社会环境与“为官不为”之间的密切关系;第三,尽快扭转“为官不为”的局面,做到“不等不拖”和“辨证施策”;形成了 “一体两翼”的治理格局:“搞好正面引导”就是要以思想信念治理为“体”,形成勇于担当的信念标准;“加强责任追究”就是要发挥好监督和问责“两翼”,以党的纪律为尺子,强化党内监督之“翼”,以制度问责为手段,规范督查问责之“翼”。习近平关于“为官不为”型腐败治理思想是以习总书记为核心的党中央领导集体对“为官不为”新形势精准判断,运用马克思主义哲学思维所提出来的一系列新思想,在治理标准、治理内容与治理措施等方面具有鲜明的特点,对中国的发展具有理论与实践的双重指导意义。
[Abstract]:Of the party since eighteen, the General Secretary Xi as the core of the central collective leadership of the party in the current anti-corruption situation and grasp the scientific basis of the new characteristics of the corruption, the anti high pressure situation intensified not official phenomenon and put forward a series of new ideas, new conclusions, and gradually formed a new idea about Xi Jinping is not official corruption governance. Xi Jinping about "the crown is not the type of corruption governance idea is to deal with the global situation test, the necessity demand of the new situation and new tasks and challenges of domestic anti-corruption, is in the inheritance and development of Marx, Engels, Lenin, the collective leadership of the CPC on the previous is not official corruption governance Chinese thought and traditional culture and diligent thought basis, and constantly improve the development of the management thought of combination of corruption under the new situation the new form of China, experienced from germination to formation and by The development process gradually mature. Xi Jinping about "the crown is not the type of corruption thought is a complete structure, rich management thought, the thought of the scientific division of the object of governance; put forward the" governance principles of three steps: first, make clear the essence of chaos is not official. The true nature of the clear "not official" is "in the reaction of four winds problem; second, find out the crux of the reason is not official, understand their own quality, political ecology, the close relationship between the social environment and the crown is not between; third, as soon as possible to reverse the crown is not the situation, do" ranging from not "and" differentiation strategy "; the formation of the" one body two wings "pattern of Governance:" good positive guidance "is to belief governance as" body ", formed the courage to play the conviction standard;" strengthen accountability "is to Play a good supervision and accountability "two wings", with the discipline of the party as a ruler, strengthen inner-party supervision of the "wing", by means of the system of accountability, supervision and accountability of the standard "wing." Xi Jinping about "the crown is not the type of corruption thought is the CPC Central Committee General Secretary Xi as the core of leadership the collective of crown is not the new situation accurate judgment, a series of new ideas by Marx philosophy thought proposed, in the standards of governance, has distinct characteristics of governance and governance measures such as content, double Chinese has guiding significance to development of theory and practice.
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