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发布时间:2018-04-16 01:31

  本文选题:非公有制企业 + 共青团组织建设 ; 参考:《河北大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the continuous development of the times and the deepening of China's economic system reform, non-public enterprises in Hebei Province have also developed rapidly, becoming increasingly an important force to promote economic and social development, providing a large number of jobs at the same time.It has also become an important area of concentration for the vast number of young people and members of the Communist Youth League.However, due to the continuous improvement of social services and the diversification of youth thoughts, the Communist Youth League organizations of non-public enterprises in Hebei Province are gradually facing the shrinking of their living space, and their working ideas and methods are difficult to change in time.Such problems as declining cohesion and attractiveness will not only lead to the inability to effectively perform the relevant functions of the League organization, but also weaken the centripetal force of the enterprise youth towards the League organization.The League organization may be faced with the situation of losing the working position of non-public enterprises, thus reducing the youth foundation of the Party.Therefore, it is of practical significance to study the construction of League organizations in non-public enterprises in Hebei Province.The starting point of this study is how to strengthen the construction of the Communist Youth League in non-public enterprises in Hebei Province.First of all, on the basis of research and summary of relevant academic achievements, the Communist Youth League, non-public enterprises and enterprises of the Communist Youth League organizations, and these concepts are comprehensively expounded.The differences of League organizations between public enterprises and non-public enterprises are comprehensively analyzed.Secondly, the paper summarizes the development of non-public enterprises and League organizations in Hebei Province, and analyzes the problems and causes in the process of League organization construction.Finally, according to the situation of investigation and analysis, this paper probes into the countermeasures of strengthening the group organization construction of non-public enterprises in Hebei Province from the following aspects: the way of building the regiment, the working breakthrough point, the organization and management, the construction of the party building and the team building, etc.


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