本文选题:《群众》周刊 + 战国策派 ; 参考:《武汉大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Mass Weekly is the only theoretical publication published publicly by the Communist Party of China in the Kuomintang and Hong Kong areas during the War of Resistance against Japan and the War of Liberation. Based on the text of the criticism of the "warring States Strategy School" by the "masses" Weekly, and on the basis of a brief introduction to the emergence of the "warring States Strategy School" and its propositions, this paper attempts to make a major point of view on the reasons why the "warring States Policy School" was criticized by the "masses" Weekly. The historical function and limitation are discussed briefly. The first part of the article is an introduction, mainly explains the origin and research value of the topic, research status, research methods and research emphasis, difficulties, innovation points. The second part of the article mainly summarizes the emergence of the warring States Strategy School and its propositions. On the emergence of the "warring States Strategy School", it mainly describes the concept of "warring States Strategy School" and the main representative figure of "warring States Strategy School", and mainly introduces the historical view of cultural form and the theory of "the replay of warring States period" in the proposition of "warring States Strategy School". Still "the force", respected Nietzsche and his will philosophy, "the violent movement" use for reference, "May 4th new culture" introspection and "the national literature movement". The third part of the article mainly summarizes and analyzes the critical articles of the Weekly Weekly on the warring States Policy School and its main author groups. On the basis of a brief introduction to the establishment, purpose and relationship with Xinhua Daily, 13 articles and 5 main authors of the Weekly magazine criticizing "warring States Policy School" are summarized and analyzed. The fourth part of the article mainly discusses the reason why the Weekly Weekly criticizes the warring States Policy School. This paper holds that there are five main reasons for the criticism of the "warring States Strategy School" by the "masses" Weekly: first, the antagonism between the heroic historical view of the "warring States Strategy School" and the mass view of the Communist Party of China, the second, the vilification of the socialist movement and the Soviet Union by the "warring States Strategy School"; Third, the Communist Party of China meets the practical needs of the political situation at home and abroad; fourth, the "warring States Policy School" is "fascist"; and fifthly, the direction of running the weekly "masses" has changed to ideological and theoretical struggle. The fifth part of the article mainly discusses the main viewpoints of the Weekly magazine criticizing the warring States Policy School. This paper combs from five aspects: the philosophy of fascism, the cosmological view of "praising violence", the theory of historical cycle, the political view of "fascism" and the view of literature and art of fascist thought. The sixth part summarizes the historical function and limitation of the criticism of the warring States Policy School by the Mass Weekly. This paper holds that the criticism of the warring States Strategy School by the Mass Weekly has a great historical function, mainly in refuting the argument that the warring States Strategy School is unfavorable to the War of Resistance against Japan and propagating the historical materialism. At the same time, there are some historical limitations in the criticism of the "warring States Strategy School" by the "masses" Weekly, which is mainly manifested in the tendency of the criticism to be simplistic and the problems in some argumentation.
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