本文选题:人才创新 + 整合提升 ; 参考:《中共福建省委党校学报》2015年02期
[Abstract]:On December 23, 2014, the Jinjiang Twelfth Party Congress held four meetings. It proposed that we should grasp the new normal, seize new opportunities, push Jinjiang's new development and leapfrogging in "five cities and create the same", and confirm that in 2015 we will fully push forward the "seven major projects." Implementation of industrial transformation and upgrading projects. Speed up the upgrading of traditional industries, comprehensive combing, integration and promotion of industrial policies. Expand the model of emerging industries, adhere to the development of emerging industries as a major task of economic transformation and sustained development. Enhance the tertiary industry, adhere to the "quality" guidance, and increase the overall development of the service industry. Carry out the project of talent innovation and upgrading. Pay more attention to multiple talents
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