本文选题:四个全面 + 全面从严治党 ; 参考:《中国特色社会主义研究》2015年03期
[Abstract]:Party spirit cultivation is the eternal subject of party construction and the political superiority of the party. The key to coordinate and advance the four overall strategic layout lies in running the party strictly in an all-round way, constantly strengthening the cultivation of the party spirit, maintaining the advanced nature, and forging a strong leading core. Under the new situation, the basic requirements for strengthening party spirit cultivation are to conscientiously study and strictly abide by the party constitution, to adhere to the unity of party spirit and people's character, to abide by the standard of "three strict and three solid facts," and to strengthen party spirit cultivation throughout the life. In the new situation, the main content of strengthening the party spirit accomplishment is to strengthen the ideal and belief, strengthen the theory accomplishment, morality and rule by law accomplishment, cultivate the fine work style, improve the cultural knowledge accomplishment and observe the discipline and discipline earnestly. Under the new situation, the ways and means of strengthening the cultivation of the Party spirit include the deep study, detailed reflection, the cultivation, education, management, and supervision of the Party members themselves as well as the training, education, management and supervision of the Party organizations.
【作者单位】: 山东大学马克思主义学院;山东理工大学马克思主义学院;
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