本文选题:抗日战争 + 中国共产党 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Things must rot first, then insects. The eight words spoken by Xi Jinping during the first group study at the 18 th CPC Central Committee Politburo aroused strong public interest. In subsequent meetings, Xi Jinping has repeatedly mentioned the need to crack down on corruption. At present, with the system transition and social transformation, as well as the diversification of interests, party members and leading cadres are faced with more temptations. The building of a clean government has become a major issue and urgent task related to the future and destiny of the party and the country. The construction of a clean and honest government carried out by the CPC during the War of Resistance against Japan not only brought together the people in the war years, enhanced the combat effectiveness and cohesion of the revolutionary contingent, but also contributed to the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics today. It has important practical enlightenment for further promoting the construction of anti-corruption and promoting clean government. On the basis of summing up and drawing lessons from previous researches on clean government construction during the War of Resistance against Japan, according to the unity of history and logic and the method of integrating theory with practice, this paper probes into the theoretical origin of clean government construction in the period of War of Resistance against Japan. This paper analyzes on a series of measures taken by the Communist Party of China to build a clean government during the War of Resistance against Japan, and summarizes the enlightenment of the construction of a clean and honest government of the Communist Party of China to the construction of a clean and honest party style. The first part of the paper expounds the ideological origin of the construction of a clean government by the Communist Party of China, and reviews Marx, Engels and Lenin's thoughts on the construction of a clean and honest political party. This paper briefly expounds the earliest record of the word "clean" in the ancient Chinese traditional culture and the earliest origin and evolution of the thought of "clean government". The second part of the thesis analyzes the historical background of the clean government construction of the CPC during the War of Resistance against Japan. This paper analyzes the historical background of the construction of a clean and honest Chinese Communist Party from the two aspects of the ruling test faced by the Central Soviet region during the Anti-Japanese War and the establishment of the national anti-Japanese democratic regime. It is emphasized that the construction of a clean and honest government of the Communist Party of China during the War of Resistance against Japan greatly encouraged the confidence of the government of the Border region in the War of Resistance against Japan and provided a very important political and organizational guarantee for the ultimate victory of the War of Resistance against Japan. The third part discusses the main measures for the Communist Party to build a clean government during the War of Resistance against Japan. The main measures include four aspects: strengthening ideological and political education and strengthening the consciousness of clean government in ideology, carrying out rectification movement in work style and keeping in close touch with the masses: perfecting supervision and management mechanism in system, severely punishing corruption and corruption; In the organization, strengthen the party's cadre team construction, carry forward the spirit of hard struggle. The paper has carried on the concrete development analysis to each measure and its implementation situation. The fourth part summarizes the realistic enlightenment of the construction of clean government to the construction of party style and clean government during the War of Resistance against Japan. The paper holds that the construction of a clean and honest government of the CPC during the Anti-Japanese War has important implications for the construction of a clean and honest party under the background of socialist society: first, strengthening ideological and political education is the key to eliminating corruption within the Party; Second, the establishment and perfection of various legal supervision systems is the guarantee for building a clean and honest government; third, strengthening the party's team discipline construction is an important content of the building of a clean and honest government.
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