本文选题:基层党组织 + 公信力 ; 参考:《江西师范大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the deepening of the practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, the innovation of the theory of party building has been constantly put forward more and higher requirements, while the grass-roots party organizations are the basis of the whole work and combat effectiveness of the party. The construction of its credibility is related to the cause of the whole party and country, but the phenomenon of lacking or even lack of credibility exists in the grass-roots party organizations to varying degrees. Therefore, under the new situation of economic globalization and information technology globalization, under the requirements of strengthening the ruling ability of the CPC and improving the leadership level of the CPC, the performance and reasons for the lack of credibility of the grassroots Party organizations in China are studied. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to improve the credibility of party organizations at the grass-roots level. This paper begins with the current situation of the research on the credibility of the grass-roots party organizations of the Communist Party of China, expounds the basic connotation and achievements of the credibility of the party organizations at the grass-roots level of the Communist Party of China, and analyzes the factors affecting the credibility of the party organizations at the grass-roots level of the Communist Party of China: economic factors. Political and social factors Since the reform and opening up, the Party building at the grass-roots level in our country has made great achievements, but there still exists the phenomenon of weakening or lacking of credibility. It is of great significance for us to take targeted measures to analyze the reasons for the weakening or missing of the credibility of grass-roots party organizations. In view of the manifestations and causes of the lack of credibility of the Party organizations at the grass-roots level of the CPC, and in combination with the actual situation, we can strengthen the construction of the Party organizations at the grass-roots level, promote economic development at the grass-roots level and improve people's livelihood Establishing and perfecting the guarantee mechanism for the construction of the credibility of the grass-roots party organizations and improving the credibility of the Party organizations at the grass-roots level of the Communist Party of China, and systematically constructing the guarantee mechanism of the credibility construction of the party organizations at the grass-roots level of the CPC from the aspects of system construction and input guarantee.
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