[Abstract]:The proposition of "the scientific construction of the Party" comes from the fourth Plenary session of the 17th CPC Central Committee. Its practical goal and practical dimension are to guide the Party's construction with scientific theory, to guarantee the Party's construction by scientific system, and to promote the party's construction by scientific methods. Improve the Party's ability to govern. Looking back on history, although the proposition was clearly put forward in the fourth Plenary session of the 17th CPC Central Committee, the scientific practice of Party building was accompanied by the whole history of the CPC. Theoretically, the Communist Party of China is based on Marxist theory and the innovation theory of the Communist Party of China itself. From the diachronic point of view, the soil rooted in practical activities is the reality of Chinese revolution, construction and reform and development. From the synchronic point of view, the scientific activities of the Communist Party of China absorb the experience and lessons of other foreign political parties. At present, the reason why this topic is highlighted in the field of party building is based on the facts of international, domestic and Chinese Communist Party's own construction. To further improve the scientific level of party building, it is necessary to look for wisdom from the Marxist theory of party building, especially to adhere to the guiding role of the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The fourth Plenary session of the fourth Plenary session under the overall arrangements and arrangements to carry out the work. Specifically, it is necessary to build a Marxist learning-type political party to enhance the scientific theoretical level of party building; to build a sound system to improve the systematization level of party building; to make use of the latest achievements in modern science and technology; and to make use of the latest achievements in modern science and technology. In particular, the use of the Internet to improve the Party's scientific modernization level.
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