[Abstract]:There is an obvious interactive relationship between the club of Soviet area and the construction of revolutionary ideology. On the one hand, the rise of the club in the Soviet area is not accidental, it is the result that the function of the club itself and the demand of the Chinese revolutionary reality are in accordance with the needs of the Communist Party of China to construct a new revolutionary ideology and to carry out political mobilization. On the other hand, the club in the Soviet area carried out fruitful propaganda and entertainment activities, transferred the revolutionary ideology to the masses of the people more smoothly, and realized the broad recognition of the CPC ideology by the masses. It greatly promoted the construction of the mainstream ideology in the Soviet area. The rational investigation of this kind of interaction can provide a visual angle for people to look at the history of the Communist Party of China for more than 90 years.
【作者单位】: 中共江西省委党校党史党建教研部;
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