[Abstract]:The construction of Party members is not only an important part of the Party building at the grass-roots level, but also an indispensable element in the Party's practical work. Since the founding of the Communist Party of China in 1921, the task of developing party members has been widely spread in rural areas. The 18th National Congress of the Party clearly proposed to build a well-off society in an all-round way. However, to complete this strategic goal, we must strictly follow the details to carry out all the work of building our party. Party members are the basic foundation of the Party building and the key points in the key points. If we want to do a good job in the building of the grass-roots party members, we must firmly grasp the key link of the building of the party members at the grass-roots level. In recent years, the living standards and ideological level of farmers in Xinghe County of Wulanchab City have improved, but in recent years, due to the strong momentum of economic development in Xinghe County, The disadvantages of the construction of the grassroots Party members in Xinghe County are also revealed, which limits the construction of the rural grassroots troops in this area. Therefore, it is of great significance to manage the rural grassroots party members reasonably and effectively at the present stage. From the perspective of how to further strengthen and improve the construction of rural grass-roots party members, this article is to understand and master the basic situation of rural, peasant and rural party members, and to discuss the problems and reasons encountered in the construction of rural party members. Combined with the actual situation and work, this paper puts forward some theoretical, constructive and effective countermeasures on how to do this work well, and provides a reference for the party organizations in Xinghe County in the construction of the Party's ranks. It is divided into the following parts: introduction: from the basis of the topic of the thesis, the significance of the paper, the research objectives and research methods, etc.; first, the related concepts and theoretical basis of this paper are expounded; 2. This paper introduces the basic situation and the present situation of the construction of the party members at the grass-roots level in the countryside of Xinghe County. Thirdly, it probes into and analyzes the problems existing in the process of the construction of the party members in Xinghe County, and analyzes the causes of the current problems. Fourth, make scientific and detailed solution to the problem of construction of grass-roots troops in Xinghe County.
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