[Abstract]:During the period from 1946 to the outbreak of civil war, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party launched a powerful public opinion propaganda offensive around the CPPCC session and its resolutions, in order to win the favorable public opinion environment and the sympathy and support of the social forces. In the duels of "sabotage" and "protection", "amendment" and "persistence", although the Kuomintang attaches great importance to propaganda, its propaganda results are greatly undermined by its errors in propaganda guidelines and its inability to carry out propaganda reports objectively and truthfully. He fell down in the battle against the Chinese Communist Party. On the other hand, the Communist Party of China is better than the Kuomintang in the guiding ideology of propaganda, the method, the pertinence, the timeliness, and so on, thus has won the propaganda war for the Communist Party of China on the political initiative.
【作者单位】: 上海大学文学院历史学系;上海大学社科学院;
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