[Abstract]:It is an important strategic arrangement for the Party Central Committee to administer the country and manage the government with Xi Jinping as its general secretary, and is the core and key of the "four all-round". Under the new normal situation of administering the party in a comprehensive and strict manner, leading cadres and ordinary party members at all levels must pay close attention to ideological construction and style building in accordance with the unified arrangements and requirements of the central authorities, and strictly in accordance with the requirements of the "three strict and three solid" special education programs. In particular, we should take the initiative to adapt to the new normal of running the Party in an all-round and strict manner in accordance with the requirements of strict self-cultivation. Strict self-cultivation is an excellent tradition of the Chinese nation, the Communist Party of China has always attached great importance to strict self-cultivation. It is good for China to continue to adhere to strict discipline under the new normal state of running the Party in an all-round and strict manner.
【作者单位】: 中央社会主义学院中国特色社会主义理论体系研究中心;
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