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发布时间:2018-10-30 07:16
[Abstract]:In recent years, anti-corruption efforts have continued to increase, achieved remarkable results, boost morale and win popular support. With the continuous development of the anti-corruption struggle, the investigation and punishment are continuously increased, but also gradually inclined to the direction of prevention of corruption. As a "basic skill" to prevent the occurrence of corruption, the education of a clean and honest cadre is also an important guarantee for carrying out strict administration of the party in an all-round way, effectively preventing and controlling corruption, maintaining close ties with the masses, strengthening the ruling foundation of the party, and promoting the continuous development of the building of a clean and honest party. Confucianism stands out in Chinese traditional culture and has been handed down through thousands of years. Although it has some historical limitations in terms of its background, it contains extraordinary political wisdom and classic clean and honest thinking. It still has profound practical guiding significance to the education of clean government and even the construction of clean and honest party style. This paper attempts to draw lessons from the research results of philosophy, literature, ethics, administration, pedagogy and so on, through combing the literature of relevant fields, from the angle of basic concepts, to clean, and so on. The basic meaning of clean government education and Confucian excellent ideology and culture is explained. At the same time, the historical investigation of clean government education is carried out, and the ideas and methods of clean government education in ancient China and the ideas and practices of cadres' clean government education in different leading periods of the Communist Party of China are summarized and analyzed. This paper analyzes the significance of strengthening the education of leading cadres in a clean and honest government for building a socialist harmonious society, consolidating and maintaining the ruling position of the Party, and promoting the fundamental cultivation of a good social atmosphere, and vacillating the ideals and beliefs with the current widespread lack of belief. The problem of "four winds", serious corruption, illegal administration, dereliction of duty and so on, to demonstrate the importance and necessity of strengthening cadres' clean government education. By digging into the core contents of the Confucian excellent ideology and culture, such as morality for politics, people first, benefit for righteousness, shame for fear, and so on, this paper analyzes the reference significance of Confucian excellent thought to the education of clean government for cadres. Then taking the practice of Qufu City as an example, this paper introduces the concrete exploration and achievement of the application of Confucian excellent ideology and culture in leading cadres' clean government education. On the basis of this, the author analyzes the problems such as the dislocation of thought and cognition, the lack of endogenous motive force, the lack of extension and management of clean government education, the lack of standard and perfect operation mechanism and so on, and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions. In this paper, the author thinks that to strengthen the education of clean and honest government by using the excellent thought of Confucianism, we should further strengthen the subjective consciousness of leading cadres' honesty and self-discipline. To coordinate the construction of clean government education, we should not only carry out the main responsibility of the party committee to administer the party strictly, but also give play to the role of organization and coordination of discipline inspection and supervision organs. In order to improve the quality and level of clean government education, we should carry out the teaching material development plan of Confucian clean government education, the plan of cultivating Confucian teachers, the flexible and diverse teaching mode design plan and the brand building plan of educational institutions to improve the quality and level of clean government education and training. We should constantly strengthen the cultural construction of clean government education, build a cluster of clean government education bases with distinctive characteristics, construct the main lines of clean government education culture, improve the level of information technology and modernization, and promote the education of clean and honest government for cadres to be institutionalized. In order to enrich the current cadres' clean government education, especially the construction of party style and clean government, some theoretical and practical discussions are made.


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