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发布时间:2018-11-04 19:27
[Abstract]:The tendency of "four modernizations" seriously hinders the exertion of the "three characters" of the Communist Youth League, which is related to the external and internal constraints faced by the Communist Youth League. The external factors mainly include the value alienation caused by the fuzzy orientation, the "superior" habit induced by the resource guidance, the short-term behavior promoted by the eager achievement and the quick profit, and the lack of supervision caused by the lack of the position of the youth and so on. Internal factors mainly include the work idea to please the superiors, the organization to ignore the need to perform the function, the working way to pay attention to the "circle", the "face", the lack of two-way benign interaction between the operating mechanism and so on. " The four modernizations must make the League organization "superior only", "only superior" inevitably lead to "closure", "closure" will inevitably lead to "losing the group", and finally, the Communist Youth League will "derelict its duty". " The "four modernizations" are the products of all kinds of political, economic and cultural factors in the real society. To break down the "four modernizations" and strengthen the "three natures" is not only a matter of the Communist Youth League, but also a complete set of reforms of the party and government work system and optimization of the mechanism. There are still many problems in social reform that need to be solved.
【作者单位】: 上海青年管理干部学院《青年学报》;


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