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发布时间:2018-11-05 13:11
[Abstract]:The fundamental problem of the revolution is the political power. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese people have taken the road of encircling the cities in the countryside, seizing political power by armed forces, establishing revolutionary base areas in the countryside and destroying the dual oppression of imperialism and feudalism. This unique development model is in line with the actual situation of our country at that time and is adapted to the unique road of the Chinese revolution. This is also the unique part of our country's political power construction. First, we should establish the rural political power, and on this basis, establish the urban political power. The establishment of national power by the establishment of local power. The Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningsia revolutionary base area is the cradle of the success of the revolution in our country, the seat of the CPC Central Committee, the guiding center of the Chinese people's War of Resistance against Japan and the general rear area of the Liberation War, and its historical influence on the whole country and even the world is profound and significant. The historical experience, historical influence and historical status of the construction of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningsia revolutionary base area have given us a lot of inspiration, so that we can better build political, economic and cultural construction. In order to deal with the problems of reform, development and stability, we can learn from and learn from the construction of society and other fields. In this paper, the reasons why the revolutionary base area of Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningsia has experienced hardships without collapse, the extreme importance of revolutionary ideology and theory, and the necessity of democratic political construction are discussed in this paper. This paper discusses the historical enlightenment of the construction of Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningsia revolutionary base area in order to serve the economic development better from the actual effect of the construction of a clean government and the motive force of the revolutionary spirit. Cultivate a batch of outstanding talents to serve the construction of the new Chinese regime. In the ten years of building political power in the border region, a large number of cadres with theoretical level and practical experience have been trained and cultivated. This not only provided conditions for the regime construction in the new liberated areas in the northwest region, but also prepared a large number of cadres for the regime building in the new China. On the eve of the founding of the people's Republic of China, Chairman Lin Boqu of the Border region Government arrived in Beijing to shoulder the heavy responsibilities for the founding of the people's Republic of China. Subsequently, Liu Jingfan, vice chairman of the government of the Border region, and a large number of cadres were transferred to Beijing, making important contributions to the construction of new China's political power.


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