[Abstract]:Grass-roots party schools are in a basic position in the party school system and are the important force in the construction of the party school system think-tank. It has played an important role in serving the decisions of the local party committees and governments and promoting the development of local economy and society. Strengthening the construction of the think-tank in the basic Party schools is the meaning of performing the functions of the Party schools, the basic requirements for implementing the spirit of the National Party School work Conference and General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches, and is also an effective way to improve the influence of the grass-roots party schools themselves. This paper analyzes the opportunities and challenges of strengthening the construction of the think-tank in the grass-roots Party schools, and examines the pulse of the construction of the think-tanks in the Party schools.
【作者单位】: 浙江师范大学文化创意与传播学院;
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