[Abstract]:The Party building of college students is one of the important fields of the Party building work in colleges and universities, and it bears the important duty of cultivating the successors of the Party's cause. Under the new historical conditions, the Party building work of college students needs to be innovated from various aspects. From the point of view of the allocation of Party construction resources in colleges and universities, the development of Party building activities and the standardization of inner-party life, it is necessary to expand the thinking of party building among college students and to embody the integrity, systematization and coordination of party building in colleges and universities. To strengthen the integration of college students' party building and teachers' party building, to construct a new mode of teachers' and students' co-construction, to realize the integration of students' party building and teachers' party building organizations, to share resources, to build activities together, and to integrate management. In order to improve the scientific level of the Party building of college students, the teachers' Party branch and the student's Party branch can be developed in a win-win situation.
【作者单位】: 中南民族大学马克思主义学院;
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