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发布时间:2018-11-24 20:40
[Abstract]:The cohesion of the Communist Party of China is an important part of the soft power of the Party, and an inexhaustible motive force for the unity of our Party, the struggle to overcome difficulties and the development of the Party. To enhance the cohesion of the Party is the internal requirement of strengthening the Party's combat effectiveness, the important guarantee for the development of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics, and the meaning of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. At present, our country is faced with complicated international and domestic situation. It is more urgent and more onerous to strengthen the construction of the Party's cohesion than ever before. The cohesion construction of the Party in Yan'an period was promoted by our Party under the complicated background of the failure of the domestic revolution and the national peril. It enabled our party to overcome all kinds of contradictions and tests in the dangerous situation. It can be said that the cohesion of the Communist Party of China during the Yan'an period was unprecedented and unprecedented. During the period of Yan'an, the path of the Party's cohesive force construction was rich and diverse. The concrete manifestation was that the political foundation of the CPC's cohesion was laid by the political construction and the material foundation of the CPC's cohesion was consolidated by the economic construction. Ideological and cultural construction is the soul and core of CPC cohesion, and the mass foundation of CPC cohesion construction is consolidated by image construction. Through solid and effective efforts, the construction of the party's cohesive force has achieved remarkable results, and the vast number of young people have gone to Yan'an without any hesitation, and the party's organizational ranks have grown continuously, becoming the mainstay of the whole people's war of resistance against Japan, and promoting the victory of the new democratic revolution. To realize Chinese Dream, we must unite China's strength. At present, our country is in the key period of deepening the reform in an all-round way. With the establishment of a well-off society in an all-round way and the realization of the strategic goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, it is urgent to strengthen the building of the Party's cohesion. The theory and practice of the Party's cohesive force construction in Yan'an period have provided the experience for reference for the current Party's cohesion construction: forming a strong leadership collective is the necessary condition for the formation of the party's cohesion; Promoting the Sinicization of Marxism is the basic path of the Party's cohesion construction, strengthening the Party's own construction is an important guarantee to strengthen the Party's cohesion, insisting on serving the people wholeheartedly is the fundamental direction of the Party's cohesion construction. Yan'an spirit is the spiritual guide of the Party's cohesive force construction.


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