[Abstract]:The Communist Party of China is more advanced than other political parties in that it is an intermediary between theory and practice, and between man and history. History has proved that only through the intermediary role of the Party can the theory and practice be concretely and practically. Only in order to establish an organic relationship between the individual Party member and class ideal (unity of subject and object) can the party intervene in the development process of world history with the help of the Party's conscious action. The report of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "firmly and strictly governing the party, constantly improving the party's ruling ability and leadership level," its purpose is to further give play to the party's intermediary role in theory and practice and in the relationship between people and history. To ensure that the Party always becomes the leading core of the great struggle, great project, great cause and great dream, and provides a solid political guarantee for the smooth advancement of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.
【作者单位】: 中共浙江省委党校马克思主义研究院;中共浙江省委党校浙江省"科学发展观与浙江发展研究中心";
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