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发布时间:2018-12-12 12:22
[Abstract]:Political ecology refers to the political relationship between people and the interaction between environment, especially social environment and political behavior. The so-called clean political ecology, that is, the clean nature of the political ecology. In contemporary China, purifying and reconstructing political ecology is the political measure to unite the whole party and make great efforts to realize Chinese Dream; it is the inevitable choice to build clean politics; it is the important guarantee to consolidate the long-term ruling foundation of the Party. At present, the reasons and consequences of unhealthy or even worse political ecology in some localities or departments in China are mainly as follows: not strictly governing the Party and governing the Party, leading the "top leaders" to take the lead in engaging in corruption, which leads to the frequent occurrence of cases in their respective departments; The orientation of personnel is not correct, and the selection and employment of personnel is chaotic, which leads to the phenomenon of "anti-elimination"; the relationship between government and business is not clear, and the government and business collude, forming interest groups; Inner-party political life is abnormal, organization is lax, discipline is lax, the function of party organization can not be brought into full play, value pursuit is unhealthy, vulgar style grows and spreads, and latent rules prevail. In order to purify and reconstruct political ecology and create a good political environment in contemporary China, we must start with leading cadres at all levels first of all as senior cadres, must adhere to the correct employment orientation, and select and employ people fairly, fairly and fairly according to the standards of "good cadres". We must persist in democratic centralism and serious inner-party political life; we must purify the relationship between government and business, distinguish between the public and private sectors, and do not seek any personal gain for relatives and friends; we must resolutely punish corruption and persevere in the construction of a style of work.
【作者单位】: 武汉大学廉政研究中心;武汉大学马克思主义学院;
【基金】:教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目(09JZD0003) 湖北省教育厅哲学社会科学研究重大课题资助项目(14ZD035)


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