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发布时间:2018-12-16 18:33
[Abstract]:The initial public security organs in the Shanxi-Hebei-Shanxi-Henan base area originated from the eighth Route Army's emergency department of picking and traitors. In August 1940, after the establishment of the Public Security Office of the Joint Administrative Office of Southern Hebei, Taihang and Taiyue, the Ministry of Public Security began to unify the leadership over the pick-rape and anti-special activities in the base area. Central work and organs to protect, crack down on criminal offences and public security management and other public security work. As a result of the special war environment, most of the public security personnel in the Shanxi-Hebei-Shanxi-Henan Anti-Japanese Base area have been selected from the Party, government, military and people, and have not received professional public security education and training. Public security organs at all levels have carried out political and ideological education and professional public security technical education to them, and strictly applied cadres to forge a group of public security personnel with modern revolutionary ideological consciousness and modern professional ability. The work of public security in the anti-Japanese base area of Shanxi, Hebei and Henan has a certain wartime color, and it always adheres to the leadership of the Party and the mass line, and is becoming more and more institutionalized and regularized in practice. The success of the public security construction not only guaranteed the stability of social order in the base area under the war environment, but also promoted the development of the political power construction in the anti-Japanese base area and the ultimate victory of the anti-Japanese war.
【作者单位】: 河北工程大学社科部;


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