[Abstract]:Although the anti-corruption situation is complex and grim, after less than five years of fierce blows, the stone of corruption began to crack, the ice began to melt, and the spreading momentum of corruption was effectively curbed. The overwhelming trend in the fight against corruption quickly shifted from being formed to already formed. The goal of fear of corruption is initially realized, the system of incorruptible is becoming more and more perfect, the dyke that does not want to rot is being constructed, and the political life of the Party presents a new atmosphere. In the resolute struggle against corruption and unhealthy tendencies, the reform of anti-corruption system and mechanism has made a historic contribution to the improvement of the supervision system of the Party and the country. The reform of supervisory system is a revolutionary change in the reform of anti-corruption system in China. In November 2016, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a pilot program on the reform of the state supervisory system in Beijing, Shanxi and Zhejiang provinces. Beijing, Shanxi, Zhejiang Province take the lead in experiments, explore practice, in the system mechanism, system construction and other aspects of research to crack the spread of anti-corruption forces, supervision can not cover all of the problems, so as to promote the accumulation of experience across the country. In order to further improve the reform of the supervisory system, optimize the reform plan, and promote the reform to achieve better results, Experts in the field of clean government and national governance have been specially invited to study the details of the reform of the state supervisory system. "the Reform of the State Supervision system from a Comparative Perspective", "the Reform of the State Supervision system." The supervisory system is an indispensable part of the regime building in all countries and regions. The reform of the supervisory system outside the country (territory) has both positive and favorable factors and negative and unfavorable factors. At present, it is necessary to comprehensively analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the reform of the supervisory system outside the country (territory), strengthen the independence and authority of the supervisory committee in investigating corruption cases, attach importance to and make full use of supervision measures, and continue to improve the internal reform of the organization. Urging and pushing forward Peripheral complementary reforms and bringing Private institutions into the scope of Supervision. The Reform of the State Supervision system: general Plan, Analysis, comments and suggestions "3 21" proposes a reform plan called "3 21", which advocates strengthening the independence of the national supervisory bodies, Strengthening the supervision of the JISC, promoting the systematic reform of the supervisory system, promoting professionalism and specialization, and optimizing the hierarchy of the JISC. The reform of state supervision system is actually to adjust the structure of state power. The authority of the state supervision power is sufficient to ensure the normal operation of the power, and its rule of law and standardized operation have the direct function of safeguarding the exercise of the power of the supervised personnel, the purification function of the state public office behavior, and at the same time increasing the citizens' trust in the state. It is believed that the anti-corruption work needs a team of professionals to undertake the anti-corruption work. The strong administrative color of the management system of civil servants and anti-corruption agencies in China restricts the improvement of the professional level of anti-corruption personnel, and the professionalization oriented personnel management system of the Independent Commission against Corruption in Hong Kong is worthy of reference. The professionalization and professionalization of the anti-corruption team can be realized through the establishment of a professionalized national inspector system.
【作者单位】: 北京航空航天大学公共管理学院;
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