[Abstract]:The Middle East Road incident is not only an important international event in the modern history of Northeast China, but also the largest military conflict between China and the Soviet Union in history. The Middle East Road incident affected the complex international and domestic political, diplomatic and economic situation in Northeast China, and also deeply affected the development of the revolutionary situation in Northeast China. At that time, the Manchuria Provincial CPC Committee itself was still young, and the process of engaging in mass work could only be a process of work, learning and development. The origin of the Zhongdong Road problem has led to the duality of ethnic conflict and class conflict in the Zhongdong Road incident, which makes the Manchuria Provincial CPC Committee have to face a complex and severe situation. In the Zhongdong Road incident, the social environment shows the continuous improvement of the masses' economic struggle emotion and the repetition of the nationalist emotion, which in turn affects the specific and objective conditions for the Manchuria Provincial CPC Committee to engage in its work. The mass work carried out by the Manchuria Provincial CPC Committee from July to August 1929 was mainly to mobilize the masses to carry out the August 1 Red Day demonstration, which showed obvious mechanism and blindness in both planning and implementation. The end result is that the job becomes an unworthy adventure, causing some losses to the Manchuria Provincial Party Committee. The mass work carried out by the Manchuria Provincial CPC Committee from September to December 1929 was mainly the work of the Zhongdong Road Workers' Movement. This work has well chosen the Harbin hub of the Middle East Railway, which has sufficient political significance and favorable conditions for struggle, and has shown a realistic attitude in its plan. the practice in the work is in line with the spiritual essence of "coming from the masses to the masses." Finally, some progress has been made and a good foundation has been laid for the next stage of mass work. The mass work carried out by the Manchuria Provincial CPC Committee from January to March 1930 was the work of the Zhongdong Road Workers Movement, which aimed at the general strike. Under the background of the settlement of the Zhongdong Road incident and the restoration of the Sino-Soviet Communist Party Management on the Zhongdong Road, the Manchuria Provincial CPC Committee pushed the Zhongdong Road workers' movement to the climax. However, in the struggle, there was an antagonism and break between the opportunistic line and the general strike line, and the Zhongdong road labor movement ended with a tragic failure. The mass work of Manchuria Provincial CPC Committee in the Zhongdong Road incident is of milestone significance to the organizational development of Manchuria Provincial CPC Committee, and Manchuria Party has become a working and struggling party. At the same time, the mass work in this stage is also a part of the exploration of the early mass work methods of the Communist Party of China. In promoting the settlement and safeguarding of the Zhongdong Road incident, the mass work of the Manchuria Provincial CPC Committee in the Zhongdong Road incident also played a role.
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